Date: [2023-08-24 Thu]

Crash Course Philosophy

Table of Contents

1. Crash Course Philosphy #2

1.1. Plato's Tripartite Soul

  • Rational / Logical
  • Sympathy, How feelings fuel your action
  • Drives to eat, have sex, protect yourself; impulses

Plato believed that best human always act by Rational aspect of soul.

Although Philosophers now don't believe in tripartite soul, they do believe that we are pursuaded by emotional and physical aspects too. And it is better to act by rationally.

1.2. Russel's Paradox

Bertrand Russel :: One of the pioneers of analytical philosophy

In a certain town all men are required to be clean shaved. The town has a barber. Rules:

  • All men who don't shave themselves have to be shaved by the barber.
  • The barber must not shave any man who shaves himself.

So, does the barber shave himself?

  • All men who shave themeselves has to include every guy who shave himself including the barber.

1.3. Arguments

Proposition used to justify a conclusion


  • Deductive Argument:
    • All humans are mortal
    • Socrates is a human
    • Socrates is mortal.
    • of an argument implies If the premise are true, then conclusion can't be false.
    • because if we conclude from above premises that `Socrates was Plato's teacher' although the conclusion is true, the argument is invalid.
    • Validity of Argument + All premises are true.


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