Date: [2023-09-24 Sun]

A First Look at Rigorous Probability Theory

Table of Contents

1. Semialgebra

pg. 26

A collection \(\mathcal{J}\) of subsets of \(\Omega\) is a semialgebra if:

  1. it contains \(\Omega\) and \(\phi\),
  2. is closed under finite intersection,
  3. complement of any element of \(\mathcal{J}\) is equal to finite disjoint union of elements of \(\mathcal{J}\)

2. Algebra

pg. 27

  1. it contains \(\Omega\) and \(\phi\),
  2. closed under complement
  3. is closed under finite unions and intersection,

So, a semialgebra closed under finite union and complement is a algebra.

3. Sigma Algebra

pg. 24

A collection (\(\Sigma\)) of subsets of X is a \(\sigma\) - algebra if:

  1. it contains X
  2. closed under complement
  3. closed under countable unions
  4. closed under countable intersections (follows from 2 and 3)

So, a algebra closed under countable unions is a sigma algebra.

The ordered pair \((X, \Sigma)\) is called a measurable space.

Measure is defined only for \(\sigma\) - algebra. (Wikipedia)

4. Probability Triple

pg 24

A probability triple or measure space is a triple \((\Omega, \mathcal{F}, P)\), where:

  • \(\Omega\) sample space is non empty set
  • \(\mathcal{F}\) is \(\sigma\) - algebra of \(\Omega\)
  • \(P\) is probability measure: mapping from \(\mathcal{F}\) to \([0,1]\) with \(P(\phi) = 0\) and \(P(\Omega) = 1\)

5. Lebesgue Measure

pg. 33

complete extension: if \(A \in \mathcal{M}\) with \(P^*(A) = 0\) and if \(B \subseteq A\) , then \(B \in \mathcal{M}\)

6. Borel \(\sigma\) - algebra

pg. 33

The smallest \(\sigma\) algebra containing \(\mathcal{J}\), \(\mathcal{B} = \sigma(\mathcal{J})\) is called the Borel \(\sigma\) - algebra of \(\mathcal {J}\) if it

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