Add Whitespace to PDFs for Notes
Table of Contents
1. pdfcrop
Available through LaTeX distribution.
< Collapse code block
pdfcrop --margins "0 0 150 0" in.pdf out.pdf
- –margins "<left> <top> <right> <bottom>"
2. pdfjam
Available through LaTeX distribution.
- Get the original papersize
- set a greater new papersize
- the page is centered, so to leave space on only one size set the offset parameter
< Collapse code block
pdfjam -o out.pdf --papersize '{30cm, 27.94cm}' --offset '-4cm 0cm' in.pdf -
- -o out.pdf is output file
- –papersize '{WIDTH,HEIGHT}' sets new paper size
- –offset 'X Y' sets offset
- in.pdf is the input file name
- - says to use all pages from input file