Date: [2018-09-25 Tue]

Distributing chocolates to children

Table of Contents

1. In how many ways can you distribute n chocolates to m children?

1.1. Simplifying the condition

If we consider all chocolates to be different/unique, then the first chocolate can go to any one of the m children and the next one too can go to any one of the m children and so on. This gives \(m * m * m *m...(n\ times) = m^n\) possibilities.

1.2. But

here the chocolates aren't different from each other. So the first chocolate going to first child and second going to second one is the same as first chocolate going to second child and the second one going to the first one. These cases must be counted only once. So we are concerned only with how many chocolates each child gets in the end. This means the possible distributions are less than \(m^n\) . But exactly how much is it? is an interesting mathematical problem that I ask you to try yourself for a while :unamused: .

1.3. Stars and Sticks

This problem becomes trivial, when it is converted to a permutation problem concerned with arranging children and chocolates. Let's consider a case of 4 children and 7 chocolates. Denoting children by | and chocolates by * a possible arrangement is:


If each child gets chocolates to the left of it then here the first child gets one chocolate, second one gets 2, third one gets nothing while the fourth one gets four. The single stick at the rightmost end is compulsory because all chocolates have to be distributed. Since a fixed stick doesn't change the number of combinations/arrangements, we can remove the rightmost stick and say that the remaining stars are given to the last child. i.e. the equivalent arrangement is:


Since, each distribution can be represented in this pattern of stars & sticks, and each stars-sticks pattern represents a possible distribution, the number of possible distributions is equal to number of possible star-sticks patterns. So, now the problem is just this : In how many ways can we arrange n stars and m-1 sticks ?

There are (4-1)+7 = 10 places/position. So the sticks can be placed in =\({{10}\choose {3}} = \frac {10!} {(10-3)! * 3!} = 120\) ways. After placing the sticks we can just fill in the position with chocolates in only one way. So this is the total number of way to distribute 7 chocolates to 4 children. Now of course, we could have filled in chocolates first and then the sticks. It gives the same result as \({{10}\choose {7}} = \frac {10!} {(10-7)! * 7!} = 120\)

1.4. General Result

So for the case of n chocolates and m children, the result is : =\({{n+m-1}\choose{n}} = \frac {n+m-1} {(m-1)! n!} = {{n+m-1}\choose{m-1}}\)

2. Other applications

Now this technique is useful for various problems, other than amusing children with chocolates. Lets try another problem:

2.0.1. Particles in boxes

If we are to put n identical particles in m non-identical boxes. Then the number of ways we can do this is same as the number of ways we can distribute n chocolates to m children. \({{n+m-1}\choose{n}} = \frac {n+m-1} {(m-1)! n!}\)

2.0.2. In how many ways can you express a number as a sum of n non-negative numbers (considering order)

For example, the number 4 can be expressed as sum of 3 numbers in following four ways: * 0+0+4, 0+4+0, 4+0+0, * 0+1+3, 0+3+1, 1+0+3, 1+3+0, 3+0+1, 3+1+0 * 0+2+2, 2+0+2, 2+2+0, * 1+1+2, 1+2+1, 2+1+1

This is similar to distributing 4 chocolates to 3 children and equals \({{6}\choose{4}} = 15\). But if we are to disregard order then there are just 4 possible ways. Generalizing to number N with n partitions is not this simple.

3. Oh, and remember

making children sad isn't nice. So, if we want each child to get at least one chocolate then we have to add some constraints to our stars and bars technique: There must be at least one stars on either side of each bar.


In the first case, the first child gets nothing, in second on the last one gets nothing and only in the third one do all children get at least one chocolate. So, now the sticks can only be placed in between the stars. Imagine having one seat between each stars, then we have to place 2 bars in any two seats among 4 seats. This can be done in \({{4}\choose{2}} = 6\) ways. So in general if we need to distribute n chocolates to m children such that each child gets at least one chocolate then there are \({{n-1}\choose{m-1}} = \frac {n-1} {(m-1)!(n-m)!}\) ways to do that.


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