Date: [2023-07-27 Thu]

Design Software API for User Experience

Table of Contents

by François Chollet

1. Notes for the video

One Core Principle: Every design decision should be made with the user in mind.

Three Rules:

  1. Deliberately design end-to-end workflows focused on what users care about.
  2. Reduce cognitive load for your users
  3. Provide helpful feedback to your users

1.1. Design end-to-end workflows focused on what users care about

  • Good APIs are designed as holistic workflows, not as a set of atomic features
  • Good APIs closely map to domain-specific notions that users are familiar with
  • User-centric design is solution-oriented
  • Checkbox-driven APIs are problem-oriented

1.2. Reduce cognitive load for your users

  • Good software makes hard things simple
  • Poor software makes simple things hard
  • Automate everything that can be automated
  • Minimize the amount of user input: infer what can be inferred
  • Reduce number of steps in each end-to-end workflow
  • Make steps simple to remember, consistent, intuitive
  • Use consistent and standard naming conventions
  • Provide good defaults.
  • Good software works out of the box.
  • Introduce as few new concepts as possible.

Litmus test: If the cognitive load of a workflow is sufficiently low, it should be possible for a user to go through it from memory without looking up a tutorial or documentation after having done it once or twice.

1.3. Provide helpful feedback to your users

  • Have a place where users can ask questions
  • Invest in high-quality documentation
  • Catch user errors early and anticipate common mistakes
  • Provide detailed feedback upon user error
  • A good error message should answer:
    • What happened, in what context?
    • What did the software expect?
    • How can user fix it?



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