Date: [2020-11-24 Tue]

George Hotz

Table of Contents

1. Best 3 Days

When he discovered frameworks.

  • Eliezer Yudkowsky - Technological Singularity - Framework to understand technological progress
  • Hutter Prize - AI is compression - Framework to understand AI
  • Curtis Guy Yarvin - Unqalified Reservations - Framework to understand

2. Book Recommendations

  • Infinite Jest - David Foster Wallace - A book about wire heading?
  • Atlas Shrugged - Ayn Rand - Objectivism
  • Permutation City - Greg Egan
  • Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect
  • Snow Crash
  • Neuromancer - Cyberpunk

3. Things

  • Commenters are not representative of the population
  • Reddit is
  • 2:22:13 Joscha Bach talked about if you have like and retweet and thats only positive wiring. And the only way for negative response is through comments. Thats why they are so toxic.

4. Arithmetic Coder can turn lossy compression to lossless

Just take the noise (i.e. the part that is lost) and encode it using arithmetic encoding. The lossy encoding + the encoding of nois = Lossless compression

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