Date: [2023-04-01 Sat]

Phantom Jam

Table of Contents

Articles that mention Phantom Jam:

1. Self Diving Cars can Solve Phantom Jam


The project is led by Alex Bayen, director of U.C. Berkeley's Institute of Transportation Studies. Bayen showed us several computer simulations of traffic situations with cars programmed to behave like human drivers, mixed with a self-driving car with artificial intelligence.

The computer models show the self-driving cars figure out on their own how to improve efficiency when cars are merging on to a road or moving through an uncontrolled intersection.

  • See Eugene Vinitsky's paper: Vinitsky, LichtlĂ©, Parvate, Bayen, "Optimizing Mixed Autonomy Traffic Flow With Decentralized Autonomous Vehicles and Multi-Agent RL." arXiv preprint TODO add link (2020) for a similar problem.

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