Date: [2020-11-12 Thu]

Probabilistic Logic Programming

Table of Contents


1. A key question in AI - Mixing Reasoning & Learning with Uncertainity


  • narrow down network of interaction
  • build knowledge base based on automatically learned facts
  • video recognition

2. ProbLog - Probability associated with logic

In prolog, world is modelled with facts and relations In problog, there is a probability associated with the facts to get a distribution over possible worlds.


3. ProbLog is one instance of a bigger family of Probabilistic Logic Programming

Distribution Semantics [Sato, ICLP 95]: probabilistic choices + logic program = distribution over possible worlds


multi-valued switches
probabilistic alternative
Probabilistic facts + annotated disjunctions
annotated disjunctions
causal probabilistic laws

3.1. Same idea: Take probabilistic choice, take logic logic program describing the consequences of those choice => distribution over possible world

4. Other Extensions of basic PLP


  • basic is discrete RVs
  • continuous RVs
  • decision theory
  • special ways to handle time & dynamics
  • integrating PLP with deep learning => Neural Predicates

5. Example - ProbLog by example

A bit of gambling

Probabilistic Choices:

  • toss (biased) coin & draw ball from each urn
    • 30% balls are red, 70% are blue in one urn
    • 20%,30% and 50% red, green, blue balls resp. in another urn


  • win if (heads and a red ball) or (two balls of same color)
< Collapse code block> Expand code block
0.4 :: heads 

0.3 :: col(1,red); 0.7 :: col(1,blue). 
0.2 :: col(2, red); 0.3 :: col(2,gree); 0.5 :: col(2,blue). 

win :- heads, col(_, red). 
win :- col(1,C), col(2,C).
  • First 3 statements are probabilistic choices.
  • Last 2 lines are the consequences.

now we can ask probabilistic questions. e.g.

  • probability of win?
  • probability of win given some constraints.
  • MPE - Most Probabilistic World .

5.1. One way is to randomly go over the choices


This example is small enough to list all possiblistic choices.

6. Distribution Semantics - (with probabilistic facts)


7. Alternative View - CP-Logic - Probabilistic Causal Laws


8. Both are same

9. Example 2 - Infinite Possible Worlds - A markov chain

< Collapse code block> Expand code block
0.5 :: weather(sun,0); 0.5::weather(rain,0). 
0.6 :: weather(sun,T); 0.4:weather(rain,T) :- T>0, Tprev is T-1, weather(sun,Tprev). 
0.2 :: weather(sum,T); 0.8::weather(rain,T) :- T>0, Tpreve is T-1, weater(rain,Tprev).

Last two lines are probabilities of weather based on the condtion of previous day's weather.

There are infinitely many possible worlds but for probabilistic queries finitely many possible world suffice to answer any ground query (e.g. weather of day 2).

10. Implementation

10.1. Rely in logical reasoning - not on sampling



10.1.1. Logical Reasoning : Proofs in Prolog - by backward chaining

10.1.2. If there is a proof of a logic query then the product of the probabilities of the steps of the proofs is the result of probabilistic query

10.1.3. For multiple proof don't just sum the probabilities of each proof - Disjoint-Sum-Problem

10.2. Knowledge compilation - get rid of the common parts of the proof (solves Disjoint-Sum-Problem)

10.3. Weighted Model Counting - is also related to this PLP


  • weight of literal => probability of the steps
  • sum over interpretations => sum over possible worlds

So, WMC can be converted to PLP

11. Future Endeavours

11.1. Approximate inference with bounds

11.2. Lifted Inference

11.3. Parameter learning from partial interpretations

11.4. Learning probabilistic rules

11.5. Sampling

Online tutorial and system you can play with http://dtai.cs.kuleuven.be/problog


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