Date: [2022-03-28 Mon]

Semantic Hacks for Roam

Table of Contents

A Presentation on Personal Knowledge Graphs. Talks about notetaking.

1. Software

  • Kanopi
  • Codex
  • Roam
  • Athens
  • Logseq
  • Obsidian
  • Hypernotes

3. Turn Roam into a Semantic PKG


Figure 1: Turn Roam into a Semantic PKG

  • SPARQL to retrieve information
  • Link your PKG with open knowledge graphs 00:14:35

4. PKG should be Data Centric


  • Data is self-describing and does not rely on an

application for interpretation and meaning.

  • Data is expressed in open, non-proprietary formats.
  • Applications are allowed to visit the data, perform their magic and express the results of their process back into the data layer
  • Access to and security of the data is a responsibility of the data layer, and not managed by applications.




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