SVD and NNs
In connection to Neural Networks and SVD there has been some research. Mostly (so far as I have found) in the direction of using SVD to improve certain aspects of NNs:
- 1 Represents weight matrix as SVD . This has uses in training RNNs to stabilize gradients,
- 2 Computes initialization for Neural Network Parameters using SVD of data. But this is only for single layer NNs.
- 3 Uses SVD representation of Weights to train a CNN and get a low rank NNs. Useful for model compression. But uses regularization to ensure orthogonality (using technique from 1 would have been better)
There is some research regarding computing spectral parameters using Neural Networks too:
- 4 Trains NNs to predict Singular Values. But only singluar values, not vectors. And the experiments are for small matrices.
- 5 Uses Neural Network to find singular values and singular functions of linear operators. In the paper they find orbitals of Hydrogen atoms using this method.
In overall only 5 works towards using NNs to find singular vectors.
Other papers:
- Deep learning combined with singular value decomposition to reconstruct databases in fluid dynamics.
What if Neural Networks had SVDs?, NeurIPS 2020
Learning Low-rank Deep Neural Networks via Singular Vector Orthogonality Regularization and Singular Value Sparsification, CVPR Workshop
SV-Learn: Learning Matrix Singular Values with Neural Networks, International Conference on Data Mining Workshop