Date: <2024-09-17 Tue>

Symbolic Factorization of Sparse Matrix

Table of Contents

The goal of symbolic factorization is to define the sparsity pattern of the \(LU\) decomposition of a sparse matrix \(A\). Recall that

\begin{equation*} LU = PAQ \end{equation*}

where \(P\) and \(Q\) are row and column permutations that reflect the pivot strategy associated with the factorization process. [Source]

1. Symbolic Factorization

  • generate ordering
  • estimate non zero count of \(L\) matrix using symbolic analysis
  • apply cholesky with the best ordering to find the actual \(LU\) factorization

This problem is normally done in two steps: (1) generating and applying the ordering to the sparse matrix and (2) applying a symbolic analysis via the graph representation to calculate the nonzero counts (i.e., nnz(L)). These steps together are normally referred to as symbolic factorization by sparse linear solver packages.


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