Date: [2020-05-27 Wed]


Table of Contents

1. Fleeting Notes

Keep a piece of paper and pen with you at all times. You never know when thoughts hit you. 1

2. Permanent Notes

Make premanent notes from your fleeting notes within 2,3 days so that you don't forget what your thought was. 1 And file them, make connections.

3. Other ideas

4. Quora dump

Date: October 8, 2020

the best thing you can do in most situations is to jot down a reminder and go back to what you’re doing. This is even true for reading, as you need to be focused on understanding and staying in the flow. Just make a brief record of what is important (“on page x it says y”) and direct your focus back to the text. Keep your literature notes, including references, in one place

as quick notes are only reminders of an idea, you need to turn them (ideally within a day) into permanently understandable notes.

aking the time to write permanently understandable notes is indispensable.

You can build up an ever-growing external memory that helps you to develop your thoughts, keeps your biases in check, streamlines your writing process, sparks new ideas and improves your learning

before you write the permanent note,think about how a new idea contributes, challenges or alters something you have written down before by looking through your Zettelkasten for related notes.

Just by making this a daily routine, you have enrolled in a life-long master class on clear thinking and concise writing.

Keep an alphabetic index for orientation, but don’t overdo it – you only need to refer to one or two notes as entry-points into a line of thought.

The way we structure a topic or think about the relationship between ideas is bound to change with our understanding

If you later decide that another structure is more apt for a given topic, just write another note about it with links to the related notes and change the entry in the index.

Just follow your interests, accompany your reading with simple note-taking followed by conversion to permanent notes

then look at wherenote-clusters have built up in your Zettelkasten. This is where you want to start as it is a clear sign you are onto something. Now you can make an informed decision about what topic is worth writing about. The earlier you start taking smart notes, the better!

5. Wikipedia dump

Date: March 22, 2022

of paper to metal hooks labeled by subject headings.[7] Harrison's system was edited and improved by Vincent Placcius in his well-known handbook on excerpting methods (De arte excerpendi, 1689).[8] Librarian and mathematician Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz was known to have relied on Harrison's invention in at least one of his research projects.[8]In 1767, Carl Linnaeus used "little paper slips of a standard size" to record information for his research.[9] Over 1,000 of Linnaeus's precursors to the modern index card containing information collected from books and other publications and measuring five by three inches are housed at the Linnean Society of London.[7]

400 scholarly articles).[14] He linked the cards together by assigning each a unique index number based on a branching hierarchy.[15] These index cards were digitized and made available online in 2019.[16] Luhmann described the zettelkasten as part of his research into syste


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