Date: <2024-12-25 Wed>

HPAC & HPAC-ML - Presentation
High Performance Approximate Computing


1.1. Intro

HPAC paper explores Aprpoximate Computing Techniques for use in HPC applications using #pragmas. Techniques:

  • Loop perforation
  • Input Memoization
  • Temporal Approximate Function Memoization

1.2. Loop Perforation

Skipping some loop iterations

< Collapse code block> Expand code block
#pragma approx perfo(small:5)
for (i=0; i<N; i++)
  z += f(x[i], y[i])
  • small: skip 1 iteration every N iterations
  • large: do 1 iteration every N iteration
  • rand: randomly skip every with probability p [gives less error]
  • ini : skip first n% of iterations [gives better performance]
  • fini: skip last n% of iterations [gives better performance]

1.3. Input Memoization

If the input are similar, return same output

< Collapse code block> Expand code block
#pragma approx memo(iact; 10; 0.5f) in(x[1:N], y[1:N]) out(z)
for (i=0; i<N; i++)
  z += f(x[i], y[i])

memo(iact; tSize; threshold)

size of memoization table
euclidean distance threshold for activation of memoization

1.4. Temporal Approximation Function Memoization (TAF)

If consecutive output to a function are similar, then approximate with the last computed value for some iterations

< Collapse code block> Expand code block
for (t=0; t<N; t++)
#pragma approx memo(taf; 10; 0.5f; 5) out(o)
  o = f(x[t], y[t])
  z += o

memo(taf, hSize, threshold, pSize)

history buffer size
Threshold on Relative Standard Deviation (\(\sigma/\mu\)) to activate approximation
prediction size i.e. number of iterations to use approximation, after which fall back to accurate computation

1.5. Automated Tooling

< Collapse code block> Expand code block
#pragma approx in(x, y) out(z) memo perfo
for (i=0; i<N; i++)
  z += f(x[i], y[i])
  • Generates appropriate code
  • Runs many variations (as per an spec file defining parameters ranges)
  • Provides a pandas file with errors estimates for approximation method and parameter values

1.6. Results


1.7. Interesting Case


Figure 1: Speedup vs Threads for LULESH

  • obtained further speedup by increasing number of OpenMP threads
  • speedup = ratio of time for accurate and approx run, for same number of threads
  • due to reduction in memory access due to approximation

1.8. Summary

HPAC paper studies Approximate Computing on HPC OpenMP applications

  • creates Clang/LLVM compiler extension
  • provides HPAC Tooling
  • analyzes effectivness of approximate computing


  • Loop perforation
  • Input Memoization
  • Temporal Approximate Function Memoization


2.1. Seperation of Concerns

HPAC-ML paper builds upon HPAC to provide features to

  • Annotate code with #pragma
  • Run the binary to collect data
  • Train ML model on collected data
  • Use the model for inference
  • All with the same annotated code

So, application developer doesn't need to know much about ML model and ML developer doesn't need to concern themselves about application code.

They stay in their own languages and tools.

2.2. Same code, different execution path

< Collapse code block> Expand code block
#pragma approx ml(predicated:ml_mode) \
        in(g) out(g_new) \
        db("/path/data.h5") model("/path/model.pt") \
do_timestep(g, g_new)
ml(predicated: ml_mode)
define bool ml_mode to control inference or data collection. Alternatively
always run ML model
collect data by running accurate model
input data (g)
output data (g_new)
path where data collected from accurate runs are stored
path of the ML model which has both params and Network structure (in TorchScript)
run inference only if condition is true (useful when the decision depends on input)

2.3. Data mapping

  • g and g_new is a N x M matrix (think of a grid)
< Collapse code block> Expand code block
#pragma approx tensor map(to: i_fun(g[1:N-1, 1:M-1]))
#pragma approx tensor map(out: o_fun(g_new[1:N-1, 1:M-1]))

#pragma approx ml(predicated:ml_mode) in(g) out(g_new)      \
  db("/path/data.h5") model("/path/model.pt")
do_timestep(g, g_new)

2.4. Mapping function

< Collapse code block> Expand code block
#pragma approx tensor functor( i_fun: [i, j, 0:5] \
  = ([i-1, j], [i+1, j], [i, j-1:j+2]))

#pragma approx tensor functor(o_fun : \
  [i,j, 0:1] = ([i, j]) )
defines a map that creates a N x M x 5 tensor from N x M tensor (for NN input)
defines an identity map

Mapping are specified in terms of tensor slices

2.5. Overview


Figure 3: HPAC-ML Overview

2.6. Automated Model Search

  • Specify model structure (Feed forward, Convloution, hidden layers, kernel sizes)
  • Parsl for model search automation and Adaptive Environments for Bayesian Search

2.7. Results

  • Benchmark on 5 problems
  • Good speedups obtained within error tolerance


Figure 4: Speedup and Error for HPAC-ML


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