Date: [2023-08-28 Mon]


Table of Contents

1. Reinforcement Learning


Figure 1: Agent-Environement-Action


Figure 2: RL

2. DQN: Deep Q-Network

Q Function \(Q: (s, a) \to r\)

At a state \(s\),

  • \(a_1\) : \(Q(s, a_1)\)
  • \(a_2\) : \(Q(s, a_2)\)
  • \(a_3\) : \(Q(s, a_3)\)

Pick the action with highest return

\(a = argmax_{a} Q(s, a)\)

But we don't know the \(Q\) function, so use a network to represent the function (\(\hat{Q}\)) and learn that function.

\(Q(s, a) \gets r + max_a Q(s', a)\)

3. Value Function

Value Function: \(V: s \to r\)

At a state \(s\),

  • \(a_1 \Rightarrow s_1\) : \(V(s_1)\)
  • \(a_2 \Rightarrow s_2\) : \(V(s_2)\)
  • \(a_3 \Rightarrow s_3\) : \(V(s_3)\)

Pick the action with highest return

4. Problem Statement

breakout_youtube_video-20230828134846.png pg. 18

  1. Algorithm is given game play video (It is told neither about actions nor reward)
  2. Pre-Training
  3. Give action and reward information
  4. Fine-Tune
  5. Play the game

The alogrithm has to try to understand the reason/intent behind whatever's happening on the screen.

5. ICVF - Intention Conditioned Value Function

\(V(s, s_+, z) \in [0,1]\)

Let's learn a function that says, what's the probability that we transition from state \(s\) to state \(s_+\) if acting with intent \(z\)

5.1. How would this function be useful?

After pre-training we know the reward function say \(r^\#\) thus we also know the intent with which we have to play \(z^\#\) then with,

\(V_r(s) = \sum_{s_+ \in S} r^\#(s_+) V(s, s_+, z^\#)\)

At state \(s\)

  • \(a_1 \Rightarrow s_1\) : \(V_r(s_1)\)
  • \(a_2 \Rightarrow s_2\) : \(V_r(s_2)\)
  • \(a_3 \Rightarrow s_3\) : \(V_r(s_3)\)

Choose the action with max return.

5.2. How to represent \(V\), \(s\) and \(z\) ?

State \(s\)
We could represent the state as a matrix of pixels colors.
Intent \(z\)

Intent is a representation of reward \(r\)

\(r: s \to \mathrm{R}\)

and \(r\) is a function from state to a real number.

How do we represent functions?

Value function \(V\)

is a function of two states and a intent.

How do we represent that?


  1. Use (ofcourse) neural networks to represent functions,
  2. Use linear representation for easier analysis and convergence gurantees,
  3. Use feature extractors to extract linear feature representation

5.2.1. Example of Feature Extraction


Figure 3: Example of Feature Extraction

5.2.2. Successor Representation

\(V(s, s_+, z) = e_s^T (I - P_z)^{-1} e_{s_+}\)

  • \(e_s\) : Vector representing \(s\)
  • \(e_{s_+}\) : Vector representing \(s_+\)
  • \((I - P_z)^{-1}\) : Matrix representing Intention \(z\), \(P_z\) is transition probabilities under a policy with intent \(z\)

This form derives from The Successor Representation - Peter Dayan.pdf: Page 4

But since using punctate (1-hot) state encoding is not feasible, we convert state to linear features:

\(V(s, s_+, z) = \phi(s) T(z) \psi(z)\)

And this feature extraction is done using neural network parameterized by \(\theta\) :

\(\hat{V}(s, s_+, z) = \phi_\theta(s) T_\theta (z) \psi_\theta (s_+)\)

where, \(\phi(s)\) and \(\psi(s_+)\) are \(d\) -dimensional and \(T(z)\) is \(d \times d\) dimensional

5.3. Piecing it together

\(\hat{V}(s, s_+, z) = \phi_\theta(s) T_\theta (z) \psi_\theta (s_+)\)

If we can learn the above ICVF, then for a given reward function \(r^\#\), (pg. 4 eqn. 4)

\(V_r(s) = \sum_{s_+ \in S} r^\#(s_+) \hat{V}(s, s_+, z^\#)\)

\(V_r(s) = \phi(s) T(z) \sum_{s_+} r^\#(s_+) \psi(s_+)\)

\(V_r(s) = \phi(s) T(z) \psi(r)\)

Now, we also have an representation for \(r\) i.e. \(\psi(r)\), Since, Intent is a representation of reward \(r\), we have a representation for \(z\)

\(z = \psi(r)\)

This completes the representation part.

6. Training

pg. 5: Algorithm

Advantage function \(A_z(s, a)\) is the extra reward from taking action \(a\) at state \(s\) instead of acting according to intent \(z\)

\(A_z(s,a) = (r + V(s')) - V(s)\)

If \(A > 0\) : action is taken with intention \(z\)

In that case,

\(V(s, s_+, z) \gets 1(s=s_+) + V(s', s_+, z)\)

If \(A<0\) : don't update

This is the update equation.


  1. Use Expectile (pg. 4) (\(\alpha = 0.9\) )
  2. Use single sample estimate for Advantage (pg. 5)


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