Reinforcement Learning
Table of Contents
- 1. CS 285: Deep Reinforcement Learning
- 2. CS 234: Reinforcement Learning - Emma Brunskill
- 3. Books
- 4. Sutton & Barto
- 5. Papers
- 5.1. Imperfect Information Game, Collaboration and Communication
- 5.2. Learning Decision Trees With RL
- 5.3. Intention Conditioned Value Function
- 5.4. Solving Offline Reinforcement Learning with Decision Tree Regression
- 5.5. Goal-Conditioned Supervised Learning
- 5.6. Reward Conditioned Policies
- 5.7. The Surprising Effectiveness of PPO in Cooperative Multi-Agent Games
- 6. Websites
- 7. Spinning Up by OpenAI
- 8. Debugging RL Algorithms
- 9. Podcast
- 10. Concepts
- 11. People
- 12. MARL
1. CS 285: Deep Reinforcement Learning
2. CS 234: Reinforcement Learning - Emma Brunskill
3. Books
In my opinion, the main RL problems are related to:
Information representation: from POMDP to predictive state representation to TD-networks to deep-learning. Inverse RL: how to learn the reward Algorithms
- Off-policy
- Large scale: linear and nonlinear approximations of the value function
- Policy search vs. Q-learning based
Beyond MDP, contextual MDPs Optimal exploration Hierarchical RL Multitask RL and life long learning Multiagent RL Efficient model based RL
I can suggest good papers for each of these problems, but there are few books. This is a list of most of the books I am aware of:
- Sutton & Barto Book: Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction. The classical intuitive intro to the field. I love it.
- The chapter by Bertsekas: Page on
- Algorithms for Reinforcement Learning: Csaba Szepesvari. Nice compendium of ready to be implemented algorithms.
- Approximators. Busoniu, Lucian; Robert Babuska ; Bart De Schutter ; Damien Ernst (2010). This is a very practical book that explains some state-of-the-art algorithms (i.e., useful for real world problems) like fitted-Q-iteration and its variations.
- Reinforcement Learning: State-of-the-Art. Vol. 12 of Adaptation, Learning and Optimization. Wiering, M., van Otterlo, M. (Eds.), 2012. Springer, Berlin. In Sutton's words "This book is a valuable resource for students wanting to
go beyond the older textbooks and for researchers wanting to easily catch up with recent developments".
- Optimal Adaptive Control and Differential Games by Reinforcement Learning Principles : Draguna Vrabie, Kyriakos G. Vamvoudakis , Frank L. Lewis. I am not familiar with this one, but I have seen it recommended.
- Markov Decision Processes in Artificial Intelligence, Sigaud O. & Buffet O. editors, ISTE Ld., Wiley and Sons Inc, 2010.
I definitely suggest the books by Sutton and Barto as an excellent intro, the chapter by Bertsekas for getting a solid theoretical background and the book by Busoniu et al. for practical algorithms that can solve some non-toy problems. I also find useful the book by Szepesvari as a quick reference for understanding an comparing algorithms.
There are also several good specialized monographs and surveys on the topic, some of these are:
- "From Bandits to Monte-Carlo Tree Search: The Optimistic Principle Applied to Optimization and Planning" by Remi Munos (New trends on Machine Learning). This monograph covers important nonconvex optimistic optimization methods that can be applied for policy search. Available at
- "Reinforcement Learning in Robotics: A Survey" by J. Kober, J. A. Bagnell and J. Peters. Available at Page on
- "A Tutorial on Linear Function Approximators for Dynamic Programming and Reinforcement Learning" by A. Geramifard, T. J. Walsh, S. Tllex, G. Chowdhary, N. Roy and J. P. How (Foundations and Trends in Machine Learning). Available at Page on
- "A Survey on Policy Search for Robotic" by Newmann and Peters (Foundations and Trends in Machine Learning). Available at Page on
- Reinforcement Learning Problem is the AI Problem
- Stable Baseline">Collection of RL Algorithms
- A collection of psuedocode of RL Algorithms with notes on which to use when
- An excellent collection of RL algorithms and their comparision
4. Sutton & Barto
321 : \(\widehat{\nabla{J(\theta)}}\) is a stochastic estimate whose expectation approximates the gradient of the performance measure with respect to its argument.
“Stochastic Estimate” triggered these thoughts:
- We can not know the gradient of the performance, because it may be difficult to measure through out all states, or due to other reasons
- In these cases, we can instead use “Stochastic Estimate” of the desired thing. This estimate has to approximate the true thing in its Expectation. ie. the Expectation (on average value) must be the desired thing.
- Thus when we can’ t compute the thing we require, it may suffice to compute the thing which in ‘expectation’ is the desired thing.
329 Monte Carlo Method have high variance.
As a Monte Carlo Method REINFORCE may be of high variance and thus produce slow learning.
5. Papers
5.1. Imperfect Information Game, Collaboration and Communication
- Learning Multi-agent Implicit Communication Through Actions: A Case Study in Contract Bridge, a Collaborative Imperfect-Information Game. [file]
5.2. Learning Decision Trees With RL
papers/rl/Learning Decision Trees with RL - Xiong.pdf Trains a RNN network using RL, to decide which feature to split the decision tree next. Performs better than greedy strategy.
Because greedy strategies look on immediate infromation gain, where RL can be trained for longterm payoff.
5.3. Intention Conditioned Value Function
6. Websites
- A (Long) Peek into Reinforcement Learning :
7. Spinning Up by OpenAI
7.1. Mathematical Background
- Probability and Statistics
- Random Variables
- Bayes' Theorem
- Chain Rule of Probability
- Expected Values
- Standard Deviations
- Importance Sampling
- Multivariate Calculus
- Gradients
- Taylor Series Expansion
7.2. General Knowledge of Deep Learning
[ Links to resources on all these are in the page Spinning Up as a Deep RL Researcher : (saved html) ]
7.2.1. Standard Architectures
- Vanilla RNN
- conv layers
- resnets
- attention mechanisms
7.2.2. Regularizers
- Weight decay
- Dropout
7.2.3. Normalization
- batch norm
- layer norm
- weight norm
7.2.4. Optimizers
- Momentums SGD
- Adam
- others
7.2.5. Reparameterization trick
7.3. Suggested Main Concepts
- Montonic Improvement Theory : papers/rl/Optimizing Expectations Graphs - John Schulman.pdf
7.4. Write Your own Code (in the beginning)
- Which algorithms? You should probably start with vanilla policy gradient (also called REINFORCE), DQN, A2C (the synchronous version of A3C), PPO (the variant with the clipped objective), and DDPG, approximately in that order. The simplest versions of all of these can be written in just a few hundred lines of code (ballpark 250-300), and some of them even less (for example, a no-frills version of VPG can be written in about 80 lines). Write single-threaded code before you try writing parallelized versions of these algorithms. (Do try to parallelize at least one.)
7.5. Taxonomy of RL Algorithms
Figure 1: A Taxonomy of RL Algorithms
8. Debugging RL Algorithms talks about:
- Probe Environments
- Probe Agents
- Logs execessively
- Use really large batch size
- Rescale your rewards
9. Podcast
10. Concepts
10.1. Averagers
10.2. True Gradient Descent
- Is DQN True Gradient Descent? No. They are approximations to it. CS234 - Lecture 6 (t=3253)
- GTD (Gradient Temporal Difference) are true gradient descent
- The first section of chapter on Function Approximation (Sutton & Barto) has few points on this.
10.3. DQN
- Huber Loss on Bellman Error
10.3.1. Replay Buffer
10.3.2. Stable Target
10.3.3. Prioritized Replay Buffer
10.3.4. Double DQN
10.3.5. Duelling DQN
10.3.6. Maximization Bias
- Double DQN
- Stable Target
prevent maximization bias
10.4. Actions are Infinite
From Assumptions of Decision Making Models in AGI:
It is unreasonable to assume that at any state, all possible actions are listed.
Actions in small scale may be discrete or a finite collection of distributions, but at the level where planning happens set of all possible actions is infinite.
Such actions can in principle to thought to be recursively composed of a set of basic operations/actions. But the decision making happens not at those basic actions but at level of composed actions.
- It is a task in itself to know what actions can be taken and what actions should we evaluate.
Thus decision making involves composing short timestep actions to get longer term action over which planning can be done.
i.e. decision making is often not about selection but selective composition. [Page 2]
So, one thing to explore would be Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning.
11. People
11.1. Dibya Gosh and his blog article: Trouble in High-Dimensional Land